Sans [ceuticals] | Nasturtium Oxymel

Nasturtium Oxymel


13 - 03 - 25

Plants make themselves abundant when our bodies need them most. Most gardens, at this point in the year, will have lush nasturtiums tumbling around, so why not utilize them. Both the leaves and the petals are packed with high levels of vitamin C, which wildly improves immunity.

But forget pesto and salad garnish, we've blended this everyday herb into a warming ancient Greek oxymel. The bewitching word oxymel comes from the Latin word oxy, meaning acid, and mel, meaning honey. Both apple cider vinegar and raw honey are common kitchen allies, and when combined with nasturtium, which carries complementary benefits, this oxymel offers potent support against a compromised immune system.

Plus, the taste is so good. Sweet and sour pushed to the extremes, with a savory herbal flavour that lingers on the tongue. A swig of Nasturtium Oxymel each day will keep your body humming.


• Nasturtium flowers, leaves and berries
• 1 fresh root of horseradish, or dried if you can’t find it
• 5 cloves of garlic
• Bunch of oregano and [or] sage
• 1 tbsp Mãnuka honey
• Apple Cider Vinegar, or Vodka works too


Peel and crush garlic to activate allicin.
Wash all ingredients and pat dry before placing in a glass vessel.
With a wooden spoon or rolling pin, pummel ingredients so they get to know each other - this also helps facilitate the release of active compounds.
Cover ingredients with apple cider vinegar or vodka.
While vinegar won’t draw out as many of the beneficial components of an herb that alcohol will, it does excel at drawing minerals and vitamins from a plant. Let macerate for 4-6 weeks.
Swig daily to fortify or use liberally in salsas and salad dressings.

Oxymels should be stored in glass jars with plastic lids as the vinegar in the mixture will corrode a metal lid. If you don’t have plastic lids available, you can place a piece of parchment or wax paper between the jar and the lid.

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Sans Journal


• Nasturtium flowers, leaves and berries
• 1 fresh root of horseradish, or dried if you can’t find it
• 5 cloves of garlic
• Bunch of oregano and [or] sage
• 1 tbsp Mãnuka honey
• Apple Cider Vinegar, or Vodka works too

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