Sans [ceuticals] | Pernille Jensen

Pernille Jensen

01 - 03 - 24

The idea of wellness only becomes interesting when it is intersected with science, when the term starts to take on the shape of wholeness, and the body is treated as such. And any veteran health practitioner will agree that whole-body wellness begins in the gut. Hence our devotion to Sans Sustenance recipes, and our ongoing collaborations with Seasonal Prescription giveaways with The Gut Co.

Since coming together with Pernille Jensen, naturopath and founder of The Gut Co., Sans [ceuticals] founder Lucy Vincent swears by her supplements, in particular, the Repair Formula and Vegan Protein. Two powerful powder-form blends that feed the body's deep systems, and nourish with only the essentials, on continuous rotation in Lucy's kitchen.

Below, we speak with Pernille about her pantry's must-have staples, how she likes to incorporate a glass of wine, and achieving gut health for radiant skin.

Sans Woman

–– Health practitioners seem to have a personal health journey. When did you first begin to show interest in health and wellbeing, and how did this turn into a healing practice for others?

Growing up in the 80s in Denmark with both my parents working full time, our daily diet was void of vegetables and filled with processed convenience food. In my teens I became interested in nutrition as I was very sporty and soon realised the connection between the fuel (food) and my athletic performance, which motivated me to look into nutrition, however, this was a time where sugar was hailed much healthier than fat so not sure how healthy my diet was back then.

After I finished university I worked in an advertising agency in London in my 20s and really burnt the candle in both ends. I completely burnt out and started suffering from gut issues and migraine attacks. But it wasn’t until I moved to Australia in 2001 that my true discovery of health began. Studying naturopathy for 5 years gave me a insights into many modalities and I finished my degree in Health science and became a naturopath, herbalist and clinical nutritionist in 2010 while breastfeeding my son (I was exhausted at the end of it) but managed to keep my health intact due to my newly acquired understanding of how to support it during times of stress.

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–– Can you tell us about The Gut Co. and what its main differences are to other products on the market?

We only use science backed ingredients that have shown to not only be effective in the research but also in clinic. I am really big on research and I started The Gut co because I was sending my clients overseas to get 4-5 products that contained the ingredients that I knew would produce the results I was after, so I decided to start making up powders myself and saw first-hand how well these powders worked, which lead me to take the formulations to a manufacture and get it made on a bigger scale. We never use fillers or GMO ingredients, no synthetic colours or flavours and we use organic wherever possible.

"As a naturopath you always treat the gut first because if the gut is working well macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) as well as micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are absorbed well making them available for regeneration of cells and helping the body to heal."

–– Why is it important that we begin our health journey with the gut?

Absorbing nutrients from the food and supplements you ingest will make you feel more energised, create an improved immune system and hormone balance and overall stronger vitality, so regardless of whether you are trying to overcome an illness or just wanting to optimise your health and vitality, optimising the gut makes sense. Ensuring the microbiome (the bacteria living in your gut) is healthy means better assimilation of nutrients and an improved immune system because 70% of your immune system resides in the gut.

But this is not the only aspect to gut health. A healthy gut lining is also important to prevent skin breakouts, fatigue, brain fog and potentially some autoimmune diseases.

–– What kinds of foods will we absolutely find in your pantry at all times?

I always have all the ingredients for a good smoothie: REPAIR and FEED plus PROTEIN {collagen+WPI}, flaxseeds, coconut water and frozen berries. I don’t like to snack so I don’t really have much else.

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–– What sort of foods and supplements are good for us to be consuming during the upcoming summer / celebratory months?

I am not one to turn down a long lunch or a bbq at a friend’s house so I try to eat most things on the table and enjoy a glass of wine or two. I do prep my body for the silly season and am always ensuring that the day of celebrating I take a shot of REPAIR to protect the gut lining from any food and alcohol that can have a negative impact on the integrity of the gut lining. REPAIR contains glutamine, Aloe vera and collagen for gut lining integrity. I also ensure I take my MULTI-TASKER {energy-stress} as it contains activated B vitamins and these are depleted by alcohol and replenishing B vitamins may help to prevent a potential hangover. I always try to consume seasonal fruit and vegetables so I am loving the availability of local berries and lots of salads to ensure I am stocking up on antioxidants.

–– What are your go-to healing tools or practices for radiant skin?

Heal the gut lining! When the gut lining has micro holes (leaky gut) the skin is more prone to breakouts and looking dry and irritated. Including ingredients such as collagen, glutamine and aloe vera can help to heal and maintain a healthy gut lining. In addition, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, C and zinc in your diet or supplements can really help to create a glow and healthy hydrated texture in the skin. REPAIR contains all of these ingredients to ensure a healthy gut lining and hydrated glowing skin. I am a huge fan of Superdose Luminosity Masque and Sleep Infusion Masque to help create a hydrated glow.

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–– Do you practice any rituals, for both pleasure and discipline?

I like to eat a healthy diet during the week and avoid alcohol, which allows me to indulge a little on the weekend with friends and family. I get up every morning at 530am to get my exercise routine in before I have to take care of my teenage kids and start my working day.

— What was the last meal you cooked?

It was a yellow curry with ginger, garlic, spring onions, lots of mushrooms, spinach and hard tofu in a coconut milk and curry past, it was delicious. This was Friday night so I did have a glass of Chardonnay with it.

Sans Journal

TBA GWC 27 June 39

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